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    Scott Phillips is the author of three previous novels—The Ice Harvest, The Walkway, and Cottonwood, as well as The Adjustment, forthcoming from Counterpoint Press in 2011 and Nocturne le Vendredi, from les Éditions la Branche in 2011. John Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton starred in the 2005 feature film of The Ice Harvest, which was adapted by Richard Russo and Robert Benton and directed by Harold Ramis. Phillips lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

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    We're Not Publishers, We're Writers Who Publish

    The Concord ePress is the ebook imprint of the Concord Free Press, the world’s first generosity-based publisher. That said, we’re not publishers. We’re writers who publish. It’s a big difference. As traditional publishing evolves, we’re taking advantage of new ways to connect with readers directly. We’re creating a vibrant, grassroots community of writers and readers. And we’re challenging assumptions about publishing.

    Like what?
    First off, most traditional publishers offer terrible deals to authors who want to publish their work as ebooks—usually with 80 percent going to the publisher and 20 percent to the writer. We split the proceeds evenly with our authors, with our share of sales going to support the Concord Free Press. We're all volunteers. No one gets paid. So all the money goes to support the Press.

    Free Press, ePress—what’s the difference?
    The Concord ePress publishes a wide range of ebooks in close collaboration with authors, allowing them to connect with new readers while supporting the non-profit Concord Free Press. The Concord Free Press publishes limited editions (3,000 copies) of original trade paperbacks and gives them away, asking only that readers to make a donation to a charity or someone in need. To date, we've inspired almost a quarter of a million dollars in generosity. So the ebooks help pay for the free books. Yes, it’s an unusual and kind of contrarian business model. But it works for us.

    What does the Concord ePress publish?
    We publish original works of fiction and non-fiction and give second lives (e-birthing!) to great books that deserve new readers. We sell our ebooks for the major platforms, starting with the Kindle and expanding from there.

    What if I want to know more?
    If you’d like to find out more about what we do and how (and why) we do it, feel free to check out the extensive articles and radio shows chronicling the Concord Free Press and our revolutionary approach to publishing. Or email us with questions. It's all pretty simple—and powerful.