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    Scott Phillips is the author of three previous novels—The Ice Harvest, The Walkway, and Cottonwood, as well as The Adjustment, forthcoming from Counterpoint Press in 2011 and Nocturne le Vendredi, from les Éditions la Branche in 2011. John Cusack and Billy Bob Thornton starred in the 2005 feature film of The Ice Harvest, which was adapted by Richard Russo and Robert Benton and directed by Harold Ramis. Phillips lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

    Visit Scott Phillips on Twitter


    Who’s Behind the Concord ePress?


    Lots of people, mostly writers. Plus some great designers and other talented individuals who provide their talents and hard work free of charge to support us. The Concord Free Press is a labor of love. So is the Concord ePress. Here are just some of the people who make it happen:




    Megan Abbott. Known for her encyclopedic knowledge of noir and goodwill to writers, Megan serves on the Concord Free Press Advisory Board. Her latest novel is The End of Everything, which won piles of awards.






    Russell Banks. Novelist, iconoclast, and uber-mensch, Russell serves on the Concord Free Press Advisory Board and describes us as “Like the Diggers for books.” Russell inspires all of us and sends his favorite writer friends our way.





    Wesley Brown. Writer and former Black Panther, Wesley is the author of three novels (including Push Comes to Shove and Darktown Strutters, both out now with the CEP), three plays, and several anthologies. Wesley is also an influential teacher.






    Chris DeFrancesco. Design Director of the Concord Free Press, Chris is responsible for all visual elements of the CFP, from our logo to all of our book covers to our t-shirts.







    Tanya Farrell. Half of Wunderkind PR in NYC, Tanya makes sure that the world knows about the Concord ePress.





    Hamilton Fish. This New York intellectual powerhouse gives us his contrarian insights about publishing and life, which invariably prove correct.





    Ann Fitch. Ann Fitch is the co-founder of the Concord Free Press, as well as a writer and fiction editor, spotting great books and ebooks then guiding them from first to final draft with charm and grace.





    Stona Fitch. Novelist (Senseless, Give + Take) and troublemaker Stona Fitch is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Concord Free Press—and now the new Concord ePress.






    Stuart Hodes. NYC bon vivant and modern dance legend, Stuart thought we seemed like the right people to publish his incredible memoir, our first non-fiction book.









    Lynn Landry. Lynn is our most organized and reliable person, which is good, because she does all the detailed design/production work necessary to bring our ebooks to life.






    Gregory Maguire. Author of cultural juggernaut Wicked, Gregory serves on our Advisory Board and authored The Next Queen of Heaven, which caused a major stir when we published it.






    Joyce Carol Oates. Literary polymath, Joyce graciously accepted a spot on our Advisory Board after hearing Wesley Brown read from Push Comes to Shove at Labyrinth Books in Princeton, NJ.







    Sebastian Stuart. This talented writer has written novels, plays, and screenplays. Sebastian serves on our Advisory Board and his award-winning novel The Hour Between is now out with the Concord ePress.






    Stephen McCauley. A renowned novelist (huge in France!), Stephen was one of the first writers to recognize the Concord Free Press was something new in publishing. Now he's on our Advisory Board.




    Don Pfarrer. Decorated Vietnam veteran, journalist, and major novelist (The Fearless Man, An Ordinary Murder, and now No Blue-Eyed Devil), Don met us through our friend and mentor, the late Gloria Emerson.




    Katherine Ann Power. As a student activist, she moved from protesting the Viet Nam war to waging guerilla war to overthrow the government. A fugitive for 23 years, Power surrendered and served 6 years in prison. Her probation terms forbid her from receiving money for speaking or writing about these times and actions. But she continues to write and speak for free, so she fits right in here. She hasn't given up on social change. More at






    Esther Piszczek. We met Esther at a reading in Jamaica Plain, MA, where she told us she loved the Concord Free Press and asked us if she could help out. Now she proofreads and copyedits all our books and probably wishes she’d kept quiet.




    Scott Phillips. Megan Abbott led us to Scott (The Ice Harvest, Cottonwood), and now he’s published Rut and his new collection of stories with us. He is, perhaps, the strangest and most hilarious writer around.





    Ron Slate. Poet Ron Slate (The Great Wave) edited the CFP collection IOU: New Writing on Money and provides ongoing advice as our poetry editor and in-house communication guru. He’s the proud father of comedienne Jenny Slate.




    Lauren Zwicker. After hearing about us at the Columbia Publishing Seminar, Lauren ended up working across the hall. We all agree it was fate. We co-opted her design and illustration talents to create the Concord ePress site.